
rafa star was founded in 2022 after the realisation that there were no truly exciting baby change bags that put a mother’s identity front and centre. the aim was to create a bag that women would want to wear - that didn’t look like ‘just a baby bag’ - while at the same time catering to the practical needs of motherhood. 

a baby change bag needs to give you peace of mind that you’ve got everything you need for your child but it should also make a mother feel like themselves - energetic, unique, and inspiring. personally, i didn’t feel a need to carry every baby product ever made with me. i wanted to move freely whilst ensuring my daughter’s needs were always met. our bags do exactly this, keeping you fabulous and free, whether you carry or push your baby.

as women, there is no doubt that certain expectations are placed upon us and motherhood amplifies this sensation. the conversation around motherhood can often be limiting and shortsighted. so let’s start a new one that respects how we are all individual and unique. and let's treat each other that way while carrying a fabulous bag! 

chloe hawkes - founder