refund policy

when you purchase from rafa star, we hope you love your bag as much as we did making it for you. however, should you change your mind, subject to the conditions set out in our return policy below, you may return your item(s) for a refund or exchange for another item.

to request a return please contact us at providing the reason for your request and stating if you’d like an exchange or refund, we will get back to you within 7 working days to process this and tell you the next steps.

all returns must be -

  • returned to us within 28 days of you receiving your purchase

  • returned to us in a re-saleable condition

  • wearing the tags they we sent out in - any product returned without its rafa star tag will be considered used

  • if you use a courier or postal service to get the returned items delivered to us, this is at your own cost and risk

  • if your return does not meet the required conditions, we will not be able to issue the refund or exchange and the original package will be sent back to you

we cannot refund or exchange any item(s) that don’t have a valid proof of purchase


refunds are to the value of the item(s) purchased and do not included any postage costs paid by you.

all confirmed refunds will be processed within 14 working days of confirmation


once an exchange has been confirmed, you can exchange your rafa star bag for any other in our collection (subject to availability). if there is a difference in price this will need to be paid before the exchanged item is dispatched as well as the postage costs for the exchanged item.

faulty items

we have tested our products over and over to ensure they are the absolute best for you and we guarantee your rafa star bag for 1 year. if your item(s) are faulty and you need to action your guarantee, please email us at and we will respond within 7 working days.

in the first instance, we will look to repair a faulty item but if a faulty item cannot be fixed than a replacement will be offered (subject to availability)

please note that this excludes any issues which are caused due to misuse or external factors not relating to the manufacturing of the product, or normal wear and tear. take a look at - visit caring for your rafa star bag for further information.